VIP Ministries

Got Gifts? Are you looking for somewhere to serve and use your God-given gifts and talents? It's time for you to GET CONNECTED! Serving in ministry is a great way to meet other Victory walkers and give God the glory in the process.

The ministries of Victory are divided into five ministry categories:

  1. Communications: General communications, newsletter, audio-visual, presentation services, activities, iWitness, and Internet/web services
  2. Operations: Facilities, parking and security, technology, transportation, and armor bearers
  3. Enrichment Ministries: Assimilation, fine arts, career, Christian education, and stewardship
  4. Family Ministries: Men, Women, Youth, Children, Married Couples and Young Adults
  5. Service Ministries: Ushers/Greeters, health and wellness, sports & athletics, hospitality, outreach, international mission

To Get Connected with one of the ministries listed above, go to the "Ministries" link in the "About Us" section, and click the ministry that you are interested in. The ministry contact information is listed. You may also call the church office @ (469)543-0022 for information about a specific ministry.

Victory's enrichment ministries are dedicated to enhancing the Victory worship experience through fine arts; leading and connecting members throughout the membership path; and developing Victory members throughout their spiritual walk. Here is the current list of enrichment ministries:

  • The Assimilation Team manages the process to ensure Victory members effectively develop from first-time guests to being fully developing members of the Church. In doing so, we seek to help members discover their divine assignment from God and identify the spiritual gifts with which He has blessed them. To get more info, or to serve in this ministry, e-mail
  • The Fine Arts (Music, Dance, Choir) Ministries enhance the worship experience through music, song and dance. For more info, or to serve in either of these ministries, e-mail

Victory's service ministries work to effect growth in the lives of believers by building a network of support within the various areas of ministry and simply serving others. Here is our current list of service ministries:

  • The Ushers/Greeters Ministry ensures our members and guests receive a heartwarming welcome and assistance while joining us for praise, worship, and fellowship. To get more info, or to serve in this ministry, e-mail
  • The Health & Wellness Ministry exists to give God the glory by edifying, equipping and empowering our members and community about how to lead a healthy lifestyle through methods of prevention and treatment...mind, body and soul. We serve our members and the community by being available to assess and address situations during all of our worship services, and by raising awareness on various areas impacting us directly through Sunday morning informationals, health fairs and more. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, or would like more information, please e-mail
  • The Sports & Athletics Ministry offers recreational events and programs for children, youth and adults that emphasize fun, fellowship, sportsmanship, teamwork, skill-building, while affirming strong Christian values. To get more info, or to serve in this ministry, e-mail
  • The Hospitality Ministry welcomes our special guests and offers red-carpet service to them with the goal of converting strangers into friends. This is done by decreasing the stress, anxiety, and confusion that could exist when coming to a new place of worship, as well as making every guest feel they are special and belong at Victory. The Hospitality Ministry also oversees the decor and coordination of special needs for major church events and programs. To get more info, or to serve in this ministry, e-mail
  • The Outreach Ministry exists to provide hands-on support, service and resources to those who are in need within the surrounding communities in which we worship. This is done by aiding in transformation toward empowerment, self-sufficiency, and an increase in the quality of life through strong Christian values. To get more info, or to serve in this ministry, e-mail
  • The International Missions Ministry exists to mobilize and equip Victory walkers to effectively reach the world for Jesus Christ. This is done by meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of people across the globe. To get more info, or to serve in this ministry, e-mail
  • The Career Ministry offers programs, resources and hope to those who are in transition in their work life, as well as those with a heart and passion for entrepreneurial endeavors. This ministry provides Victory members with the encouragement, development, and empowerment needed to reach new levels of professional success. To get more info, or to serve in this ministry, e-mail
  • The Christian Education Ministry provides resources, classes and experiences to help Victory members grow spiritually and enhance their relationship with God. It includes the administration and coordination of strategies and programs to facilitate the spiritual growth or discipleship of believers into Christlikeness. To get more info, or to serve in this ministry, e-mail
  • The Stewardship Ministry exists to help believers make the transition from worldly to Biblical ways of managing their resources, teaching the "what and why," training in the "how to," and providing support and encouragement. Teaching takes place in the pulpit and in workshops and seminars. The workshops and seminars also provide the training necessary for the individual to take the teaching and apply it to their daily lives. To get more info, or to serve in this ministry, e-mail

To get more information about our enrichment ministries, you may also e-mail Victory's family ministries are dedicated to strengthening home relationships and people in relationship with one another in general. Here is our current list of family ministries:

  • The Crowned Jewels (Women's Ministry) exists to edify, equip, empower, and encourage all women, from triumphant teens to the seasoned saint, to be consecrated and compassionate by being women of character and virtue. We have regular Bible Study, annual prayer brunches, seminars, movie outings, youth events and more. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please email for more information.
  • The Champions Ministry (Men's Ministry) exists to create bonds while being committed to edifying, equipping and empowering godly men to serve God, support their family, be productive in their career, and build our community and future generations. We meet on a regular basis, have prayer breakfasts, seminars, attend sporting events, and more. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please email for more information.
  • Generation V (Youth Ministry) serves youth, ages 13 - 17 years. Our mission is to make the teachings of Christ relevant to help youth discover the plan that God has for their Future. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please email for more information.
  • V-Quest, our Children's Ministry, serves children ages 3-12 and seeks to nurture the spiritual development of the children in our church by teaching them biblical foundations of Christianity. The mission is to provide a fun, nurturing, secure, and loving environment where children can participate in ministry by developing a personal relationship with God, learning the Word of God, how to witness to others, and realizing the value of accepting Jesus Christ. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please email
  • Symmetry's, (The Marriage Ministry) mission is to edify, equip and empower married couples in accordance with God's vision & plan for marriage. During our monthly Symmetry sessions, we seek to assist married couples in understanding the importance of keeping their commitment and vows through biblical and life application, not only to each other but to God also. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please email
  • The Young Adults Ministry seeks to serve 18-25 & 26-35-year-olds and approach ministry in a way that is REAL. We provide RELEVANT resources and information that are practical for the personal and spiritual growth of young adults. We are RELATIONAL in creating an environment of Christ-like love and unconditional acceptance. We seek to be REVOLUTIONARY in the way we reach the world with the Gospel. We have rap sessions on a regular basis, as well go on various outings throughout the year. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please email

For general questions regarding our family ministries, please, Lady Sandra M. Hill Director of Family Ministries at

Victory's communications ministries are dedicated to maintaining and enhancing the overall operations of church services and special events. Here is our current list of operations ministries:

  • The General Communications Team creates and executes the overall marketing and communications plans and strategies of the Church. This team reaches the congregation and our community through various media in order to inspire, inform, and invite participation in the life, mission, and purposes of Victory Cathedral Worship Center. To get more info, or to serve on this team, e-mail
  • The Newsletter Ministry exists to create and distribute a monthly high-quality, Christian monthly publication. The publication seeks to edify and equip readers with information and resources that will lead to a victorious life! To get more info, or to serve in this ministry, e-mail
  • Click here to download the latest issue of Living Victoriously
  • The Audio-Visual Ministry supports and enhances many of the regular and special events of Victory. Through the combined efforts of leadership staff and volunteers from the congregation, audio/visual services are provided for worship services, presentations, conferences, concerts and various other indoor and outdoor ministry gatherings. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, or would like more information, please e-mail
  • The Presentation Services Ministry enhances the worship experience for Victory guests and members by displaying songs, Scriptures, videos, images, and supporting points of the message. To get more info, or to serve in this ministry, e-mail
  • The iWitness Ministry is the creative force behind Victory's video announcements. This team devises strategies to communicate about events, programs, and announcements in the most creative and effective way possible. To get more info, or to serve in this ministry, e-mail
  • The Web/Internet Ministry takes the message of Jesus Christ and Victory to the world via our Web site and various social media outlets. This ministry is also responsible for managing and executing the Church's online marketing strategy. To get more info, or to serve in this ministry, e-mail
  • Technology Ministry serves the Church and its congregants with all of its technological needs. To get more info, or to serve in this ministry, e-mail

Victory's operations ministries are dedicated to maintaining and enhancing the overall operations of church services and special events. Here is our current list of operations ministries:

  • Facilities Ministry provides support to all areas of ministry through the setup and breakdown of equipment and resources necessary for the worship experience, ministry meetings, and more. To get more info, or to serve in this ministry, e-mail
  • Parking & Security Ministry exists to ensure safety (both inside and outside of the building) for Victory and its congregation. Because God commands us to do all things decent and in order, as well as be watchful, the Parking & Security Ministry is needed to provide peace of mind to those who come to worship with us. To get more info, or to serve in this ministry, e-mail
  • Transportation Ministry provides necessary transportation to church services and church-related functions. They ensure the church has a vehicle to meet the church needs, as well as ensure the safety of passengers. To get more info, or to serve in this ministry, e-mail
  • Armor Bearers exist to help make ministry easier and less stressful for the senior pastor and his special guests. This enables the senior pastor and his guests to focus on ministry and prayer rather than things that could distract them from ministering to others. To get more info, or to serve in this ministry, e-mail